World Class Golf

Golf courses are beautiful.  Some golf courses are surrounded by beautiful and expensive homes.  You know what's strange about that?  You have a significantly increased chance of being hit by a golf ball or your car or your house.  Also, you lose much of the privacy of your back yard because golfers are walking behind your house playing golf.  That was always strange to us, but that never happens here at the BTCCC

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The Sporting LIfe

Tennis used to be really popular.  It's still popular, but never regained its popularity from the late 1970's.  Tennis, like  golf requires a lot of skill.  You can hide out somewhat on a golf course (except for the #1 tee) if you are bad because you are moving.  If you are bad at tennis everyone knows it because they can watch you.  If you're bad at tennis, you are better off going to a local high school and play on their hard courts... tough on the knees when compared to the club's clay courts, but less embarrassing.

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Lifeguard On Duty

Swimsuits are the great equalizer.  A large percentage of the membership will never been seen in or around the swimming pool.  There are certain members who will surprise you with their unjustified swimwear confidence.  Yes, we recommend that if you want to swim and are not fit for public consumption that you build a pool at your house.  If your plan is to start swimming in an effort to get physically fit, then go to the local YMCA first.

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Next Steps...

There are no real next steps.  This is a private country club.  This is not a Masonic Lodge where the slogan is "to be one, ask one".  This is more of a "don't call us... we'll call you situation."  We put a "Click To Join" button here... as a harmless joke.  Clicking the button doesn't take you anywhere... go ahead... click it for yourself.